The Purpose of Veteran Finance

Paying for Treatments and Support

Home Mortgages provided by Veteran Finance to patriotic Australians

from all major banks and other lenders produces ongoing income

Veteran Finance pays for Therapeutic Interventions and Lifestyle Supports for Australian Military Veterans and their families of all ages 17-117.

Gap payments for medical treatments and rapid payment with recovery from
Medicare or DVA is also available.

Why use Veteran Finance for your Home Mortgage?

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Veteran Finance is a not for profit where all profits pay for support to Veterans and their Families. The Board audits and manages the funds. Therapies and providers are strictly assessed to ensure they are Veteran Capable and Veteran Friendly.

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1-2 Australian Military Veterans take their own lives every week. In the USA the figure is between 22 and 44 per day. What we have been doing isn't working, We have to try new ways of engaging with and supporting our Veterans and their Families.

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New Therapeutic Interventions and Medical Treatments are being developed and trialled. Quantitive and Qualitative data needs to be gathered to prove to DVA, Defence and Governments that they are effective. Payment for these treatments is required to ensure they are proven.

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The latest research globally suggests that 30-45% of PTSD diagnoses are actually Moral Injury. Moral Injury is not a mental illness but has not been an accepted condition for DVA purposes. This is changing and PTSD treatments can exacerbate Moral Injury so it is essential that we unpack Moral Injury from PTSD.